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We acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the Country on which Articulate stands. We are open Fri-Sun, 11am - 5pm. 

Opens on Apr 6 until Apr 28, 2024

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Studio 29B- Anna Russell, Anthea Boesenberg & Rhonda Nelson

 Marking Time 



 Timber, wire, fabric, natural materials, dimensions variable, stacked approx 1m (H) x 2m (W), x2m (D), 2024 

Until the 1980’s coal miners used canaries as an early warning system to detect gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the mine. Canaries need twice the amount of oxygen as humans. In mines, their death signalled urgent action was necessary to save human lives.
Today we have significant measures of atmospheric and environmental decline which are still being addressed too slowly, largely because action is a threat to vested interests.
The cages with their sad cargo of dead birds, speak of the urgency with which we need to move. The shadows cast by the cages convey the threat, looming but perhaps not yet tangible - and suggest the traps we are creating for ourselves by continuing business as usual.
Hand building the cages was a steady meaningful process, expressing our conviction that there is still time to avert disaster by each of us taking what action we can while demanding that governments enable real change immediately.
Meanwhile, here’s the present in clear focus. It looks real and the canary is already dead. The future is imminent, looming behind, shifting and unpredictable until we act effectively to change it.

Artist profile

Anthea, Anna and Rhonda have an interest in materials and process. Each of us has a practice of our own concentrating mainly on works on paper, but we work together on collaborative works which require considerable labour and effort beyond the scope of each of us as a single practitioner, for example, large installations. This allows us to use materials which might be unfamiliar or unwieldy, and pool our individual expertise.
Studio 29B c/- Anna Russell
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Marking Time
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