Get in touch

We acknowledge the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the Country on which Articulate stands. We are open Fri-Sun, 11am - 5pm. 

Opens on May 27 until Jun 11, 2023

Downstairs  | 14 Tiles


 Soft library 



 Organza, wadding, cotton scraps, paracord, metal rod, thread, 1300x1300, 2022 

The library at mori facilitates knowledge sharing and building, exchange and the composting of ideas. It is a peer-to-peer lending resource specialising in architecture and small press. Amongst the books on display: a few contributions from Issue 01 & 02 of Paradise Journal, an early Tiles pamphlet, an edition from our favourite Stolon Press, and Ursula K. LeGuin's 'Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction'—the essay that inspired it all.

Artist profile

Mori is a collaborative project about architecture: its place in the world, its tangents and its culture. It is an open question prompted by the proliferation of real estate ownership and bad development in our city, an acknowledgement that architecture is a world-building act (political and altogether human). Mori makes work, but more importantly makes space.
Instagram | @mori.lewisham
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